
Happy New Year 2011!

So it is now the year 2011 - it's the year of new beginnings for me, since a lot of life-changing events occurred to me in 2010, and unfortunately not everything was good... Anyway, I'm not the type to mope about since I'm too much of an optimist for that, hehe. I'm not saying the not-so-good things that happened weren't emotionally difficult to take but what good is it for me to ponder over them. The best thing to do is to look forward and have faith. I aim to achieve a lot this year. How best to start but with the typical new year resolutions (achievable ones!), haha.

+ Be punctual and work smart
+ Achieve my target weight and get fit
+ Brush up on all my foreign languages
+ Work on at least one drawing a week
+ Work on at least one manga per quarter
+ Bake at least once a month
+ Keep in touch with family and friends regularly
+ Travel more
+ Get another qualification

I think that's all. Some may be too insignificant to be called a resolution, but who cares. It's more of a reminder for me. XD

Anyway, hope everyone is having a brilliant start to the year! Take care and will update again soon...

"Beginning is easy, continuing is hard."
dr.rin.79 | artist.mangaka