Firstly, Happy Halloween 2010! It's been a while, a lot's happened since the last time I posted on my blog, not all good but it's ok, we should just move on and learn from experience! Haha, ever the optimist! XD But damn, it's great to be back, not just blogging... drawing, yoga-ing, etc. I feel more motivated these days, thank goodness. I feel I'm now getting back on track, hehe!
So to start off, here's my first artwork since the beginning of the year, really out of practice but no problem, practice makes perfect, after all! This is a Halloween fanart of one of my all-time favourite manga/anime, Skip Beat!, with one of my all-time favourite pairing (KyoukoxRen), no less, hehe. You can read read the summary on my DA, too lazy to retype it, hehe. Hope you all like it! xxx

"Beginning is easy, continuing is hard."
dr.rin.80 | artist.mangaka
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