
Illustration: Anime610

While in Brunei a few weeks back, Rozi introduced me to her niece, Fifah (a.k.a. Anime610), a talented girl who's very into manga. I admire her determination in drawing manga, especially at such a young age. I'm 30 now, and have yet to start one, I've just been doing illustrations! Anyway, Fif, keep up the great work! And I don't mean to be cliched, but "practice makes perfect"! ;D

Anyway, I was teaching Fifah how to use Photoshop for cleaning and colouring her illustrations. She asked me to CG colour her October 2008 drawing. Now, I've only done two CG coloured drawings and that was 5-6 years ago! So I was a little worried about my first attempt after so long. But you know what, Fifah loved it, and that really boosted my confidence. I know I've a long way to go, but it's a good start. :D

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